Disney Epic Mickey 2 Wii Cover Art

This page lists the controls for all Epic Mickey games: Epic Mickey, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion. Epic Mickey and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion are available only on Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS respectively. Epic Mickey 2 is available on multiple platforms. The controls for PC on this page are just the defaults, as they can be changed.


  • 1 Epic Mickey
  • 2 Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
    • 2.1 Xbox 360 and Xbox One Controllers (Xbox 360/PC)**
    • 2.2 Controls For Mickey
    • 2.3 Controls For Oswald
    • 2.4 Xbox 360/One Controller
  • 3 Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion
  • 4 Trivia

Epic Mickey

In the first game, the only playable character is Mickey. The Wii Remote also needs a nunchuk extension for all controls.

  • Shake: Spin Move
  • D-Pad: Camera Control
  • A: Jump/Interact
  • +: Cycle Sketches
  • -: Use Sketch
  • 1: First Person View
  • 2: Pause
  • B: Paint


  • D-Pad: Move
  • C: Center Camera/Lock On
  • Z: Thinner

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Epic Mickey 2 has two playable characters, Mickey and Oswald. Oswald has limited capabilities and can be controlled by AI as well, as the game is mainly single-player. The co-op action can be done using the second controller, if one is connected. However, it has to be done manually.

NOTE: Playing as Oswald is supported on all platforms, except Windows. On PC, a second controller cannot be used to control Oswald (both retail and Steam). Oswald is always controlled by the game itself. Playing as Oswald is completely optional and not required for any achievement on PC. The achievements Clear! and Oswald's New Groove are not available on PC, as Oswald is not a playable character.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One Controllers (Xbox 360/PC)**

Xbox controls.png

Controls For Mickey

This table lists the controls for Mickey Mouse on PC (default), Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii and Wii U. On PC, the controls can be changed as per the user's wish, provided it is the retail version.

Action PC (Default)* Xbox 360/PC** Playstation 3 Wii Wii U
On Foot
Jump/Double Jump/Interact/Accelerate Vechicle Space A Cross A A
Co-op Action/Cancel/Quit E B Circle - B
Spin Attack Q X Triangle Shake Y
Toggle Photo Mode***/First Person View/Settings R Y Square 1 X
Move W, A, S, D/Arrow keys Left Analog Stick (LS) D-Pad D-Pad
Move Forward W/Up Arrow LS Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Move Backwards S/Down Arrow LS Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Move Left A/Left Arrow LS Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Move Right D/Right Arrow LS Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Accelerate W/Up Aroow RT
Brake/Reverse S/Down Arrow LT D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Steer Left A/Left Arrow RS Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Steer Right D/Right Arrow RS Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Exit E B Circle B B
Control Camera Direction Mouse Axes Right Analog Stick (RS) IR
Center Camera C LB
Scroll Sketches F (tapped)/Mouse Scroll Wheel RB (tapped) -
Cast Sketch F/Mouse wheel (pressed) RB (held) - (held)
Paint Stream Left Mouse Button (held) RT (held) B (held) ZR
Thinner Stream Right Mouse Button (held) LT (held) Z (nunchuk) (held) ZL
Paint Splash Left Mouse Button (tapped) RT (tapped) B (tapped) ZR (tapped)
Thinner Splash Right Mouse Button (tapped) LT (tapped) Z (nunchuk) (tapped) ZL (tapped)
User Interface
Pause Game Escape Start Start 1 +
Previous Pause Menu Page 1 LB
Next Pause Menu Page 3 RB
Skip Movie (Held for 5 seconds) Space A Cross A A
Options R Y Square 2 X
Quit E B Circle B B

* NOTE: On Epic Mickey 2's Microsoft Windows (Retail) version, the default controls can be changed by editing the InputMappings_User.xml file found in <OS Drive>:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Disney Interactive Studios\Epic Mickey 2\. The controls are editable only on the PC version of the game.

** If an Xbox 360/One controller is used on the PC version, the controls are the same.

Controls For Oswald

Oswald is a playable character only on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii and Wii U. He is playable only with an additional controller. The second controller cannot control vehicles or the user interface of the game. Due to his unavailability on PC, playing as Oswald is not required for 100% completion of the game. However, it is required for two achievements on the platforms listed below, where he is playable. Oswald has only one sketch, his boomerang, and his remote can only fire electricity, some controls have no function. Oswald also has a roll on his camera with a capacity of 6 photos simultaneously, like Mickey. This table lists the controls for Oswald when played with a second controller.

Action Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii Wii U
On Foot
Jump/Double-Jump/Interact A Cross A A
Call Mickey/Co-op Action B Circle B -
Spin Attack X Triangle Shake Y
Toggle Photo Mode***/First Person View/Settings Y Square 2 X
Move Left Analog Stick (LS) D-Pad D-Pad
Move Forward LS Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Move Backwards LS Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Move Left LS Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Move Right LS Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Control Camera Direction Right Analog Stick (RS)
Reprogram (when port is focused) Right Analog Stick (RS)
Center Camera LB
Cycle Sketch RB (tapped) - (tapped)
Cast Sketch RB (held) - (held)
Electric Blast RT (tapped) B (tapped) ZR (tapped)
Electric Stream RT (held) B (held) ZR (held)
User Interface
Drop In/Out Start 1 +

*** Photo Mode is available only once the camera is obtained by the player, as Mickey. Unlocking it replaces the first person view.

Xbox 360/One Controller

LT: Left Trigger

RT: Right Trigger

LB: Left Bumper

RB: Right Bumper

Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is available only on Nintendo 3DS. The controls for the game are listed below.

Action Button
Select/Shoot Paint or Thinner A
Switch between Paint and Thinner L
Switch between sketches R
Jump B
Jump higher/longer B (held)
Bounce attack B (in air)
Higher bounce B (before jumping

on enemy)

Spin Attack Y
Move D-Pad
Switch Focused Screen X
Select Object/Draw Touch Input


  • Unlike the first game, Epic Mickey 2's first person view has nearly zero functionality. The player cannot use paint, thinner or electricity when it is enabled. Its only function is to get a closer view.
  • There is almost no difference between the 1st person view and Photo mode, except the player has a working camera.
  • Oswald's camera roll is visible in Adelle's Shop on the PC game, despite the absence of any possibility to capture photos as Oswald.

Disney Epic Mickey 2 Wii Cover Art

Source: https://epicmickey.fandom.com/wiki/Controls

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